Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Cache A Day?

It was really warm this past weekend in Metro Atlanta. We attempted to geocache through the heat, but couldn't seem to bare the sun beating on us and the thick humidity so we kept it to one and moved on. It is going to be a tough summer with the heat and humidity here.

On Saturday we went out to eat at our favorite restaurant. There will be a future cache here so I won't name the place. We thoroughly enjoyed our breakfast and our visit with the owner and staff. Its nice walking in and everyone knows your name... like Cheers LOL. When we were finished eating we decided to find a cache nearby. It was a pretty quick park and grab although it was a very small nano hidden in a place that could have been easily missed. We signed and as the sweat beaded on our heads we decided to go home and get into the cool air. We spent the rest of the day inside, watched a movie and I took a nap. That's the best thing to do on a hot humid day.

On Sunday it was still very warm. We went out to grab a cache close to home. It was just Taylor and I tackling a small hill of pine straw from the parking lot we were in. We attempted to climb the hill on a more steep angle and were having a tough time of it because the pine straw made it slippery. So we turned around to head back down when I so conveniently slid to my butt and slid ALL the way down like I was on ice. Taylor was laughing her butt off as she watched me slide to the bottom of the hill. When I reached the bottom and finally stopped laughing at my predicament I hopped up and we took a longer route to the area where the cache was suppose to be hidden. Taylor had on flip flops; not the most ideal geocaching attire. Needless to say I had to get into the woods without her to search. We found the cache pretty quickly and headed back towards the car. Again on the slippery pine straw which once again led me to my butt sliding. What a trip that was; very entertaining indeed, especially for Taylor.

The weekend ended and after a week away it was time for us to head back to work and school. It was much more fun hunting and being away from work! So after work on Monday I picked up Bailey from the office here at the apartments since she forgot her key. We headed to a get together with some people at work. I stayed for about an hour and half and then had to leave to get Taylor from her bus.We headed to a close by cache. This was Bailey's first time geocaching so I gave them a couple of ideas of where to look and Bailey ended up finding her very first cache. She was excited and wanted to do more. It was just too hot and I was ready to head home. We ended up having a line of pretty heavy storms go through the area last night and it cooled everything down so nicely.

With the storms gone we woke up to a nice cool morning and a perfect spring day. After work I once again had to get Bailey from the office of the apartments. She left her keys in her desk for another day! What am I going to do with her! We headed home so I could change and she could call her father. Then I told her to get her shoes back on, because we were headed back out. She saw me grab the new handheld GPS and knew where we were headed. There is a cache right outside of our apartment complex and I was determined to find it. Bailey and I headed in to this patch of woods searching. We must have searched a good 20 minutes with no luck. We headed out of the woods since it was coming up on time for Taylor to be picked up. We headed to the Moe's right next door and searched the area. Again we didn't have any luck finding the cache and Taylor had sent me a text to come get her. I told Bailey that we needed to look above the wall next to the road. So we headed to get Taylor and came right back to where I thought we should look at the Moe's. Taylor quickly found that cache; it wasn't even hidden. The log was wet so we re-hid the cache where we thought it would have been hidden instead of just laying on the ground and headed back to the woods. As we rounded the corner we saw Michael's bus so I followed it and grabbed him before heading in. There were four of us now, surely we would locate this cache in short order with all four of us looking. Well, we must have been in that patch of woods for a good 30 to 45 minutes before I finally located it. There was a small hollow piece of wood that I tried to push over with my foot to see if it moved. Sure enough it tipped over and there was the cache. It was a little micro magnetized to a nail that had put into the hollow of this wood. It was a very clever hiding place I must say. You couldn't find it if you didn't tip over or pick up that little piece of wood. And it is so satisfying walking out of the woods victorious. We decided to grab one more cache so we headed off across the street a bit. It was a quick find for Michael and his very first. Oh, and it was ANOTHER light post cache. I am amazed at how many of these are out there. Now I'm home settling down for the night.

Tomorrow is another day. I'm hoping we can stay on our roll of finding at least one cache a day. That's my goal for now. We'll just see what happens.

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